Court Judgment...
Below are our articles on the subject of Court Judgment. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Applying to Set Aside a Default Judgment
A guide to default judgments. The definition of a default judgment, different types of default judgments and the legal test for having a default judgment set aside....
Applying to Set Aside a Judgment Made at a Hearing
Setting aside a judgment made at a small claims hearing. The legal tests which apply depending on whether or not the party attended the hearing....
Get a Court Judgment Taken Off the CCJ Register
Do you have a County Court Judgment against you? If so you may be able to apply to have it removed from the CCJ register. Discover your options, and what to do, here....
How to Apply for a Charging Order on a Debtor's Property
Have you got a judgment against a debtor that you need to enforce? If your debtor owns their own home, you might want to consider a charging order. Read all about…...
How to Apply for a Third Party Debt Order
Is your debtor owed money by someone else? If so, you may be able to apply to the court for a third party debt order. Find out how to do this here....
How to Apply for an Attachment of Earnings Order
If your debtor has an employer, you may be able to apply for an attachment of earnings order. Find out how to do this here....
How to Issue a Statutory Demand
Are you owed money by someone or have a county court judgment against them that remains unsatisfied? If so, issuing a statutory demand is the first step to making them…...
How to Obtain Information About Your Debtor
If you've obtained a county court judgment against someone, it can be difficult to know how to enforce it. There is a procedure by which you can find out about your…...
Making Your Debtor Bankrupt
After issuing a statutory demand, if you still haven't received payment from your debtor you can proceed to issuing a bankruptcy petition. Find out all about the…...
Paying a Judgment Debt by Instalments
Applying to pay a judgment debt by instalments and how the court decides on the level of instalments. How to object to an instalment order....
Summary Judgment in a Small Claims Case
A guide to applying for summary judgment in a claim: the test the court will apply and summary judgment in the small claims court....
The County Court Judgment and How it is Enforced
What to do if the defendant fails to pay the money owed under a judgment. A guide to county court judgments and the different methods of enforcement available....
The Register of County Court Judgments Explained
A guide to the Register of Judgments, Orders and Fines. The effect of registration and how to have a county court judgment removed from the Register....
Unreasonable Court Costs Orders
A guide to when and why a judge might make an unreasonable costs order in a small claims hearing. Examples of what might amount to unreasonable behaviour....
Using a Bailiff
Seizure of goods by way of a warrant of execution is a popular and effective method of debt recovery in the small claims court. Find out all about bailiffs and their…...
What to do About a County Court Judgment
What to do if a county court judgment is entered against you. Paying the judgment, applying to have it set aside and having a judgment removed from the Register....
Who Pays Court Costs and Fees?
A guide to the special rules that apply to costs in the small claims court. Who pays the costs and how much they pay....